WOOOOAAAHHHH didn't expect to hit it so suddenly! Happy 100 followers, everyone! I feel like I should draw somethin for it, drop somethin' cool for it... I'll think about it, okay? ; ^^ It's been a whole TWO years since I've been coding websites in HTML/CSS, isn't that cool? I started in late January and it's already mid-February- NOW look at what I was able to do...
"I'm... so... sleepy..."
a rookie tetris player from Little Reyna! ^^
Last active: 20 years ago
Registered: 4009.1.30
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axel-exe's Blog Entries
axel-exe last posted a blog on 4025.2.18, titled "2025-2-18: Happy 100!".
2025-2-18: Happy 100!
2025-2-6: Inferiority’s a crazy feeling
No, because someone explain to me why all the 7th graders look so much more older than me. I was convinced that all the girls in the bathroom were 8th graders until I realized, hey. This is their lunch, this is your advisory. All the 8th graders are inside right now.
2025-1-28: how wonderful!
ONE DAY AWAY UNTIL OOMF’S BIRTHDAY WOOHOO!!!!!!! Okay anyways heh… today… my math teacher let me use the guillotine to cut my paper cause… I forgot my scissors OOPS. But anyways I got to experience the joy of cutting paper like a teacher and it was so fun… I used it twice and YEAH I have all my fingers in-tact.
2025-1-15: Welcomingly Unwelcome???
Slight spoilers for "Kafka on the Shore" by Haruki Murakami Okay actually even if I wasn’t wrong at all, like… Kafka on the Shore rocks so hard? My older sister recommended I read it when she visited for the holidays from Texas. I figured since it was only 18 bucks, I should get it. The first few pages seemed promising anyways. So I bought it, while my sister checked out the… the fucking thick-ass book that was the FIRST INVINCIBLE COMPENDIUM. LIKE WHY WAS IT SO BIG AND WHY WERE THERE THREE. it was around fifty bucks though. Steal. Absolute steal.
2024-11-27: FATHER.
As per usual I was working on my site late in the hours of the day— but not too late to where my dad would tell me to go to bed. I was just about to shower since I typically shower at around 10:30, right? But when I came back to my room there was knocking at my window, a repetitive three-note rap-tap-tapping at the glass. Curious, I inch closer and closer to the window near my bed to check where it was coming from.
Saw three motorcycles on my way home today. Was extremely close by the last one. I think his bike was red? It might’ve been the guy I saw the other day. I got a little giddy inside. Don’t know how he looks under the helmet but I have a tendency to start simping for characters with obscured faces so I guess that’s why I could say I kind of like this dude. But that’s weird since it’s in real life. That’s clearly an adult and you’re a wannabe badass in 8th grade.
2024-11-16: ughhh
Tired, I’m tired!!! Today we went places— like three. But I’m still tired!! We went grocery shopping, and then we went home to put those away since we needed to get water, right? But first we went to eat food at a buffet, and THEN get water on the way home. Now I’m here laying in bed, still in my outside clothes even if I’m not supposed to be doing that, cause I’m REALLY exhausted…
2024-11-14: rei
I feel accomplished. Today when I was biking home, barely leaving campus and biking down the hill, I heard two other students chattering. Talking about Rei Ayanami. How they got a picture of that Rei plush on someone’s backpack. Whose backpack? Why, mine of course. And I didn’t show it— obviously— but inside I was grinning and giggling like a little 14-year-old in the 2000s (? I wasn’t alive then so im not sure) as she walked with her friends and fangirled over uhhhh Justin Bieber idk
2024-8-21: With Nothing Else To Do
Today I find myself somewhere different. Today I find myself with my hands at the keyboard of a tablet rather than a laptop, since not only am I grounded from my laptop at the moment, but I find myself with nothing else to do with my remaining time in advisory. So I find myself, sitting at a desk at 1224, tapping away at a screen’s keyboard to fill out a word document instead of a .txt file.
2024-8-10: My COD shirt collection and other things
Today I collected all the COD shirts they sold at my Hot Topic. ghost are you proud of me/j Anyways uh so yeah. That means we went to the mall today. Before then I was woken up and told we were going to a Korean Restaurant. I sat there eating at a Korean BBQ with one of my Ghost shirts on. Guys I don't have a problem. Trust!!!
2024-8-3: The heck am I doing???
Hi hello how are you... when I publish this one you won't see it because my page isn't even done yet. But anyways, hey guys. Right now I'm sitting at my desk writing this. Don't reeally know what else to say... but I gotta write something, yeah? Mmm... I woke up at um... I have no clue... and I like browsed my phone for a bit. Then I came over to my laptop and listened to some Lumen songs like literally every other day. But then I kinda started coughing??? Like my voice aint hitting the same notes as yesterday???
2024-7-28: We were there
Hellooooooooooooooo school. The first week passed by and the weekend's almost up. Axel- pray tell, what happened those three business days? I guess there was a lot, yet nothing at the same time. For one, I get the same elective I had last year: Computer Science. So while I have to go though everything a second time, yay me! Everything was really easy anyways- AND I get to play games when I'm done. Awesome life tip: get into Computer Science if you like playing games.
2024-7-21: We are SO CLOSE
Okay... so school's gonna start up on the 24th, but... it's the 21st. With my school running on a year-round calendar, you'd think I'd be dreading the next year because I don't get to spend all day at home. But its different this year. IVE BEEN SO BORED OUT OF MY MIND THIS WHOLE BREAK. All I've done is edit my site, edit my site, and edit my site over and over and OVER again. And then what?
4月13日: Hysteria
Oh geez, oh god... I forgot to make a blog post last night, sorry. I really was looking forward to it, but I’m writing this on the 14th. Okay, so... what happened? Well, it was all fine and dandy at school and on the way back. Same old same old. But then I went home, and I felt really awkward the whole time because of my seat. It was being weird, and usually it wouldn’t— but it was moving either all the way up or down. So yknow, I decided I’ll walk the rest home when I pass my last stoplight, right?
4月12日: We are... so back!!
We are so back!! All these updates, and actually just my laziness held me back from making an update on this blog. It's been a good while, but I'm back! I was actually gonna make one yesterday, but I fell asleep... So! What am I writing about today? Well, it's Mother's Day, so we'll start with that. I made something for my mom... today, when I woke up... see, I was gonna make her a drawing last night but I fell asleep after I cleaned the bathroom and... yeah. But I managed to whip up a good drawing today! The side of my right hand was caked in graphite. But it was worth it! She liked it! I drew her me holding a sunflower and then I wrote a nice little note on the side. I can't draw roses. But I love sunflowers, AND they're easy to draw, so... y'know...
DHFJKJDSGFKSJH okay so its less of a professional post today but im kinda tired and i gotta go a bit later so HERE WE ARE!!! dude editing everything here on the site has been a pain in my side, it sucks, why did i code it this way HOLY MACKEREL. day three trying to play mw2 (2009)(note: i dont even remember if the original was released in 2009 but if it wasnt im gonna stab my past self)
3月17日: Oddity
Oddity. I just don't know what's going on today! Everything went as normal, right? Definitely did better in pickleball, but it's our last day with it on Friday... then I gotta do basketball! I'm as tall as Merak! That's not fair! I mean, no! Nothing was normal! Today was opposite day, meaning the teachers dressed like students and vice versa. Teachers... went to school... in pajama pants and crocs... my Phys Ed teacher... wearing a jacket, a beanie, and he was... SAGGING...
3月16日: Laid-back
Laid-back. Today wasn't so special. Even if it was different, it was still really normal. Today I fell asleep in English. That isn't really new, since I'm always tired during English, for some reason. But it was... so... boring this time... we had CAASPP testing. My sleep schedule sucks, so it was so hard to stay awake...