"judge, jury, executioner. not the wielder of the weapon, but the weapon itself"


  • how i look when something's coming soonTHE QUIZZES INDEX IS UP!!! the first one is always the most stressful to make i almost cried

  • 2025-3-11
  • TRACKLIST up- no links yet though. Added new art and resorted 2025 to be roughly chronological

  • 2025-3-7
  • reverted the copenrika hover anim, new quotes(2)

  • 2025-3-6
  • NEW LANDING!!! inspired by japsterdam's. FINALLY TOOKYOU LONG ENOUGHT THAT LANDING SUCKED!!! Added inline styling to my button link cause I forgot to, finally fixed the image on the Eden Webpage so it doesnt look bad on mobile, modified the copenrika hover anim

  • 2025-3-5
  • changed the japsterdam button out; new quotes(1)

  • 2025-3-3
  • replaced the ultrakill button, re-added cookie run webring widget, edited hover stuff on copenrika

  • 2025-3-2
  • scythe v1, back-in-action!

    Welcome to SCYTHE V6, based on SCYTHE V1! We felt really nostalgic... so here it is. Eheh... hope you enjoy your stay, though!

    -AX and TEL

    nothingspecial a picture of a person with purple hair and black eyes. Yatagarasu site button

    diary entries


  • A short blog about the site (mainly plans though). Happy 100 followers! Thanks so much!

  • 2025-2-6

  • A short blog where I pity my immature appearance compared to the 7th graders at my school

  • 2025-1-28

  • Everyday ramblings- includes mentions of Kafka on the Shore and some of my OCs

  • 2025-1-15

  • My thoughts on "Kafka on the Shore" so far, contains slight spoilers. (Haruki Murakami)
  • want more? i hope not...

    featured video

    Album Art

    my.. buttons!!! (no hotlink)


    scented // petrichor in the summer

    unexpected song Rowan Damisch

    Kirin John "Soap" MacTavish

    LINKED ! Xiao Wu

    But the CBOX is pretty temporary considering the log limit... so why dont you sign my guestbook instead?!

    "I have no idea what you're rambling on about." nonchalant king gunvolt