Publisher: axel-exe

Catagory: Everyday Life

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3月16日: Laid-back


Today wasn't so special. Even if it was different, it was still really normal.

Today I fell asleep in English. That isn't really new, since I'm always tired during English, for some reason. But it was... so... boring this time... we had CAASPP testing. My sleep schedule sucks, so it was so hard to stay awake...

But I made it out alive! Woo! I kept drifting to sleep, even sleeping sitting up and almost falling. Hell, sometimes I didn't even KNOW I was sleeping sometimes. Weird...

But yeah, we got out of it alive. I had lunch with [Day] again, and halfway through I realized... my lanyard! I wasn't wearing it! I rushed over to where they have the bikes locked up, and my lanyard was laying RIGHT by my wheel! How lucky. I wanted to keep having lunch with him alone, but since we pretty much had 15 minutes left, we went down from the classrooms and faced the music... lol

I sat on my jacket and ate the rest of my lunch like some kind of picnic, and I chatted with him some more. Accidentally caught two people kissing... again... three times...

My friends eventually caught up, and then after that, the bell rung. Hugged [Day] and told him "see you later," and carried my backpack down the stairs to get to advisory. My bag... it's a wheel bag... with a broken strap.

So, I told [dad_inside], that I liked Soap.

I read some page on the Gunvolt wiki instead of doing articles... and then I was off to math? I kept glancing at [Day] like I always did, and during the warm-up time, since I already finished it pretty easily, I played Tetris, and then Gunvolt. Myles, that one other prick, Myles... he was talking about it and pointing it out, wanting to snitch on me for it. Honestly? [redacted]

Oh, yeah. When I got home, I almost fell asleep on my desk. Yeah, on my desk. On a call with my friend. It was actually pretty comfortable, but maybe it was because I was tired. I ran around my room and tidyed up a bit, then I just played some game and watched some videos. Then that friend had to hang up because she had to eat dinner. And call her boyfriend after.

I hate her boyfriend, honestly. Me and my crush hate him. He's really annoying. I could stay on call with that friend and him, but I can't stand him, he's so agitating! And don't call it jealousy in the way that "oh, she got a boyfriend and I don't!" I HATE the idea of commitment, I hate the idea of being in a relationship, I hate change, maturity, and the future. I AM jealous, however, every time he calls her and she has to LEAVE ME. I'm with her all the time. Right now, it feels empty! And I wouldn't call my crush since we're both honestly awkward.

So, whatever. I had to take the trash out anyways. That's my job- Take the trash bags out, take the bins outside too. Every Tuesday. My designated job! And I'm not so mad about that one, since it's kinda nice I do that. But today, the bins were awfully full, and awfully HEAVY. Ack...

And now we're here, with me writing this blog entry on my notepad on my laptop. I'm going to shower, make some ramen, then come back to my room and watch some Call of Duty cutscene, if I can even stick to plans. I don't really stick to plans, I just... do what I want when I feel like it, and deal with it when the time comes.

Okay! So that should be the end of the entry. Unlike last blog, with how stupidly dramatic it was, it's all sweet.

Bye, RaitoNetto! Jack-Out!