Publisher: axel-exe

Catagory: Everyday Life

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2024-11-16: ughhh

Tired, I’m tired!!! Today we went places— like three. But I’m still tired!! We went grocery shopping, and then we went home to put those away since we needed to get water, right? But first we went to eat food at a buffet, and THEN get water on the way home. Now I’m here laying in bed, still in my outside clothes even if I’m not supposed to be doing that, cause I’m REALLY exhausted…

I slept all day after school yesterday, I woke up at 2 and realized I haven’t even showered yet… oops… so I dunno how I’m still so tired. All that energy so easily wasted??

I still gotta clean the bathroom and do the laundry and clean my own room cause my parents kinda suck in terms of that boooooooo like okay! Laundry I know! But uhhhhhhegehshsjajjsjsjsjsjshsn I’m tired please please please please jajsjsjsjsj

I hate it when my parents tell me to do things… it gives me this huge spike of anger that makes me want to scream and kick and cry like a little toddler. I’m no good when it comes to managing my anger— I’m super immature in that department (where am I not).

I wanna.. go take a nap.. but I still gotta clean my room see? Cause I promised to myself, “you’re gonna clean your room on Friday and listen to Touhou music you found nostalgic last year’s mid-fall, okay? And it’s gonna be soooooo cool. Cause it’s Friday.” But it was cloudy and cold on Friday— and I fell asleep and woke up at 2AM. So I couldn’t even do THAT yesterday.

You know? I texted my friend today and like it didn’t hit the same… I immediately lost interest in talking to her after she mentioned blowing forty bucks on god-knows-what yesterday and like… when I said that all she said in response was “ok cool”. She might um, not give a damn about me anymore. Mmm… and like… now I kind of hate her a lot for that. You know me, I’m petty, I’m a sore loser. Over-reactive. But she just doesn’t give a damn about me anymore? Like I didn’t mean anything to her? I’ve known her for three years. Now it’s like I never knew her at all.

My older sister says, she fucking sucks. And as a connoisseur of talking behind people’s backs, I agree. Heh.. guess who’s not showing up to my 14th birthday party next year.. and all she’ll say is “ok” cause I don’t matter to her anymore, cause all I was, was another disposable toy for her!!!! Huhuhu. I’m gonna run her over X) Like my ex XD

I fucking HATE my life right now it feels like it’s just stagnating and falling at the same time I’m losing everyone at school that mattered to me so much and my grades are kinda ass and shit and uhuhshshaj bro can I just skip to the part where I die yet!!!!!!!


I’m gonna go change!!!!!!!!!!! After that I dunno. I was supposed to go check out Soul Eater and shit AAAGSGHDJSJSHS my older sister and my friend say I should watch it but I don’t remember where I should watch it yet

Gotta go ask my sister… there was somewhere where I watched some of NT Warrior but I forgot WHERETHAT WAS JAJSJSJSJSAAKS gotta ask wawawawaw

heh.. jacking the HELL out

And here's my seamless closure. I'll be seeing you! This is the end of the entry~