Publisher: axel-exe

Catagory: General Thoughts

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2025-1-15: Welcomingly Unwelcome???

Slight spoilers for "Kafka on the Shore" by Haruki Murakami

Okay actually even if I wasn’t wrong at all, like… Kafka on the Shore rocks so hard? My older sister recommended I read it when she visited for the holidays from Texas. I figured since it was only 18 bucks, I should get it. The first few pages seemed promising anyways. So I bought it, while my sister checked out the… the fucking thick-ass book that was the FIRST INVINCIBLE COMPENDIUM. LIKE WHY WAS IT SO BIG AND WHY WERE THERE THREE. it was around fifty bucks though. Steal. Absolute steal. 

Anyways enough about babygirl invincible but I’m somewhere around five to six chapters deep into Kafka on the Shore and it really… well I really like it. A story like this, some kid on the run starting out on a clean slate, starting off on his own— it sounds like the kind of story I’d really like. I mean I already like the Gunvolt games, the fact that this 14-year-old has electrical-based powers and is kinda on the run from this organization after saving the very thing he was tasked to destroy… that’s cool! And even if Kafka on the Shore is more realistic than sci-fi, THAT’s cool too! When I first read chapter 2, which was some kinda report… I asked my older sister if it was real and she asked me if I was reading the “gooner chapter” and like what. what gooner chapterOH MY GOD

I like how in chapter 3 near the end I got jumped by the narrator— the narrator being 15-year-old Kafka Tamura himself— describing the woman he’d been talking to on the train. Like it was all innocent at first and then he started describing her bra strap that peeked out from her collar andPLEASE STOP KID. STOP STOP STOP WITH THE DESCRIPTIONS OF HER TITS. HOLY SHIT I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR ERECTION. Dawg.

No because why can everything be fine and dandy but the moment my eyes flit down to the next paragraph I’m suddenly reading about his dick. Like okay cool that’s good you’re washing up after your work-out but I kinda don’t wanna hear you talk about your cock as you wash it down. He literally. He literally said COCK okay and it caught me off guard

IM 13 DUDE I DONT READ BOOKS THAT ARE LIKE THAT. the last book I read that was s’posed to be so dirty was. High School DXD but that shit was kinda boring so I stopped lol. And then I read half of The Toll and there was BARELY ANYTHING SUGGESTIVE RIGHT?????? So naturally I would get disturbed by… uh… this lol

IM NOT A PRUDE I don’t think. But okay like it’s always so out of nowhere. I’m reading about his daily routine in one of the chapters and suddenly he brings up the fact he sometimes jerks it before bed. Like…???????????

At the very beginning he said it doesn’t take much to make him blush. Yeah, I think I share that trait with him.

If you want to read this book, genuinely be my guest because so far it’s been interesting and Kafka’s whole story so far is something you’d want to read more of if you’re like me. I think the way scenery is described is actually very well-crafted, and you actually kind of end up learning a few things in the book about Japan. I read some stuff about the library Kafka visits every day— unless that library isn’t even real then idk maybe I’m fibbing. Point is: it’s a good book. A good, semi-realistic book. But please keep on guard for that stuff I was whining and giggling and panicking over because it genuinely surprised me. It was like I was reading something I’d get grounded over, and the fact I’m reading it for my English doesn’t make it better….     (; ^^ )

I’m genuinely rooting for the kid and I hope he finds his way to that destination of his and all. I hope he ends up finding that sister of his and maybe figuring out who his mother is. I dunno. I just want Kafka to succeed I guess.

I think he’s a good kid.

Besides the fact he’s kinda horny but you know as a teenager god damnit you can’t really control it right/hj

Remember the part where he was imagining how the woman’s… um. Breasts. We’re like under her bra, right? He said he couldn’t control that. He didn’t want to, but he found himself imagining it anyway. I’m sure everyone’s had that experience before. Except for me it’s been worse, I kinda start imagining someone I know in real life doing. STUFF. And I have no clue why it happened but I want it to STOP. But it won’t and I end up disgusted.

( !_! )

Weird first entry of the new year, right? Okay but be glad it’s not me screaming out every ounce of hatred into the document.

I’ll HAVE TO talk about how it was having my sister over for the holidays next time. Remind me!