4月13日: Hysteria
Oh geez, oh god...
I forgot to make a blog post last night, sorry. I really was looking forward to it, but I’m writing this on the 14th.
Okay, so... what happened? Well, it was all fine and dandy at school and on the way back. Same old same old. But then I went home, and I felt really awkward the whole time because of my seat. It was being weird, and usually it wouldn’t— but it was moving either all the way up or down. So yknow, I decided I’ll walk the rest home when I pass my last stoplight, right?
Ah! It wasn’t normal! It didn’t go as planned!
So— so— dude. I dug my phone out of my basket to change the song. And then the moment the song skipped to Igniter (RoRo), HE showed up. Patted me on the back, called me by the nickname he has for me…
It startled me! And then the next thing I know, I fell over and everything! He helped me with my bike and then gave me a hug… all I did was laugh awkwardly— it was more of a soft giggle, really— and then he was all like “that fucking giggle!” and stuff, and I like, it was really awkward.
To try and forget about it ever happening, I walked the rest of the way singing Igniter. I clearly didn’t forget about it.
And then when I got home, I was just sitting at the kitchen island eating some mamon, texting him about it, talking to him about how scared and panicked I was…
I texted my friend about it too, and she said it was so “Y/Ncore” cause that was my CRUSH and it was so cheesy…
I was wearing. That shirt. The one that had Ghost on it. And it made things even more awkward. Yeesh.
So! That happened! I went upstairs to draw, got tired, and then got called for dinner. I ate, and then called my friend shortly after, and then… yeah, it was pretty mundane.
If you forget about the fact I asked my dad if he “liked my shirt,” which forced him to acknowledge it.
Straight up, he just stared at me, smirked, and then mocked me, which is normal. Only he KNEW. HE KNEW. HE FUCKING KNEW IT WAS GHOST FROM FUCKING CALL OF DUTY IM GONNA DISINTEGRATE
The rest of the night went by real quick. I showered, crawled into bed, and fell asleep. Today I woke up at 3AM.
I mean, so it wasn’t so bad, but it was still really embarrassing and awkward. I totally won’t run into him today, right? I mean, I take a different path and everything today because of my bike, so surely I won’t see him…
End of entry