Publisher: axel-exe

Catagory: Everyday Life

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4月12日: We are... so back!!

We are so back!!

All these updates, and actually just my laziness held me back from making an update on this blog. It's been a good while, but I'm back! I was actually gonna make one yesterday, but I fell asleep...

So! What am I writing about today? Well, it's Mother's Day, so we'll start with that. I made something for my mom... today, when I woke up... see, I was gonna make her a drawing last night but I fell asleep after I cleaned the bathroom and... yeah. But I managed to whip up a good drawing today! The side of my right hand was caked in graphite. But it was worth it! She liked it! I drew her me holding a sunflower and then I wrote a nice little note on the side. I can't draw roses. But I love sunflowers, AND they're easy to draw, so... y'know...

Oh! We also had some pizza today. Banger pizza. But then that was all that happened today (so far)

I'm sitting at my desk writing this, and all I've done after the matter was... take an hour nap, scroll my phone, and then log on for GUNVOLT RECORDS: Cychronicle...

Oh, and speaking of this rhythm game... I've been meaning to get the DLC for it. Well, I have all of them up to the fifth one. I NEED the next two. They have some new songs for Luxia and Lola that haven't been heard anywhere else. As for Lumen, I'm not sure... but they have the song Iolite in one of the packs. I NEED that one too, cause I love that song. I can never hate any of Lumen's songs. My idol never comes out with a song that isn't a banger.  BLESS

It's a Sunday, and I'm gonna spend it melting in my room, I guess. Same 'ol, same 'ol... I never have anything interesting to do, lol. But that's just how Axel is: too lazy to make his life more interesting. Or maybe I'm just too scared. I don't know, I don't really care. I'm fine sitting in my sweltering hot room and jamming out to the same tunes every weekend. Repetitive, but it doesn't hurt anyone. Right? Right.

Oh, and my room being hot? There's A/C, but like, my laptop makes my room feel like Arizona. I'm fine with it though, summer and the heat are what I love the most.

And summer's coming up, too! Goodbye 7th grade soon enough, hello summer sun and sweltering summer sun heat!! I'm gonna play more Mega Man Battle Network and maybe play the shit I'm too scared to play! I can't wait to embarrass myself playing TF2 and MWII (2009)!!! Woohoo!!! Hell, maybe I'll even get some more Yotsuba&!... 10 more volumes to go! I'm getting hyped up for such a mirage of a summer!

End of entry