
剴.wav > love-letter


[BEFORE] ~ Over the years, I’ve had friends and I’ve let them go— by choice or otherwise. No matter how much I feel like I could go without them, friends are actually a crucial part of life. They keep you company, help you up when you’re down on your knees, and they’re all-around just good people to hang around, right? I’ll say what I want about “not needing friends” because I’m typically alone— the loneliness can eat a person alive. I’m not an exception. This page is a dedication to a few of those friends who really have left a mark on my heart… X)

[REAL LIFE] ~ ~ Firstly I’d like to thank those I’ve met in real life. They’re why I look forward to going to school, and why I haven’t thrown me and my bike into oncoming traffic yet. Life’s already okay as is, but these faces make weekdays a little more brighter— starting with all the old friends I’ve lost contact with.


["Liah/Lia/Leah(?)"] ~ To… Liah, Lia, or Leah? Whichever spelling it was… you were one of my first friends ever, at least the first one I can remember. Before I even went to school I remember being friends with you when I used to live in National City. You were a grade above me when we started going to school, and from there we just stopped talking. I can’t get the spelling of your name right since I’m pretty sure it was a little uniquely spelled, but I can still remember you…! Thanks for being my first friend, if you’re reading this somehow. I remember when I went to your house for a birthday party and I was playing Arcaea on my iPad, and then that time when you visited when I was outside playing and I was… on Gacha Life… and then when we would walk around the track in the morning, right? My memory is a little foggy but I do remember talking to you sometimes before school.

[Aira] ~ To Aira, for being my first friend I’ve met at school. I remember when we first talked, I think it was during PE and we were on the play structure— if memory serves correctly you told me you’ve always wanted to meet someone named Angela, right? Sometimes I want to talk to you again, see how you’re doing— last time we talked it was on one of my birthdays, and I remember hiding in the pantry to hear you better over the phone. And before I moved I remember we would ALSO walk around the track together just talking until the bell rang. I’m pretty sure it was you who told me that 12AM was in the dead of night instead of in the afternoon like I thought? I was asking you if you wanted to visit… at 12AM, and then you corrected me. I still feel a little embarrassed about that sometimes. And I remember one time I made a necklace for you and left it on your backpack hanger before school, and when I asked if you saw it you said no? I was so confused back then but now I’m realizing it most likely got stolen… what. AND! I also remember we would draw all the time together. I used to be MAD into Kittydog… dark times. Anyways, it’s been a good damn while, so I hope you’re doing good. My mom said you still don’t have a phone yet? I hope you get one soon, so then we can both talk over text sometime.

[Sydel, Christian] ~ To Sydel and Christian, for being two of my favorite friends from before I moved in 4th grade. I remember Sydel being “a really sad girl” from that time somewhere during kindergarten when you were walking the track during PE and I thought you seemed kind of down? But you’re more than that. I remember that time you gave me a box, and in that box i specifically remember a yellow scrunchie and some earrings. That yellow scrunchie, I wore for a long time since I got it. But I don’t think I can find it anymore, and that genuinely upsets me since I’m a really sentimental and materialistic person, I’m pretty sure. I used to have it with the scrunchie my older sister gave me, and I would alternate between wearing that one and the yellow one you gave me. The earrings, I don’t remember what happened to them but my mom said I shouldn’t wear them since they did something bad to my ears…? And Christian— if memory serves correct I’m sure you were pretty funny. I remember considering you as one of the cool kids, and I never got to hang around you often, right? And when I did I often felt out of place. But when we would all call on Houseparty when that was still alive and we would just play Minecraft and stuff… that, I miss. I would just sit by one of my windows and just play the day away until it was time for everyone to leave. I remember Sydel calling me on Houseparty one more time before it got shut down months later, and we played a Roblox game? I’m sure somewhere I still have you friended on Roblox but I’ll go hunt for it sometime later. I still have that photo our 3rd grade teacher took of us, by some Truffla tree or whatever it’s spelled. I miss those days when they’d put those up at school. It was fun. Miss that tons. Miss YOU TWO just as much.

[Caleb] ~ To Caleb, for all the silly little memories of Pokémon-talk. I remember you gave me my first ever Pokémon card— a Jigglypuff, which for some reason I wanted soooooo badly…? And then all of the little… Pokémon roleplays at recess. I remember specifically the Alolan-styled one, and I was Jigglypuff, and when I had to sing I got all embarrassed and tried to get out of doing so. Looking back at it now, I guess the whole thing in general was a little embarrassing— but in our defense back then we were just kids having fun during recess so who could blame us. I don’t remember much beyond that, but funny thing— my mom said one time she went to some hospital and saw a kid, asked what his name was and he said it was Caleb… could that’ve been you…???

[Emanuel] ~ To Emanuel… look, there’s too but I’m pretty sure you were Emanuel C. Lord where do I even begin OKAY so like I saw you as this one kid who was really damn strong and cool and stuff, right? And we would… do Power Rangers roleplays during PE, me you and Aira. Actually, looking back at it I’m pretty sure I remember you, Aira, and me as a trio. Teto Miku and Neru walked so we could run!!!!!/j BUT SERIOUSLY what was up with all the Power Rangers and PJ Masks roleplays we did during PE? I didn’t even know anything about Power Rangers LOL… but that aside you were good company if I can’t remember much. Remember— this was all in kindergarten. I can’t remember much during kindergarten or even PAST it. Sorry… but you’re still there in my mind okay!


Now to all the friends from 4th grade onward— they’re the ones I still talk to and see at school, and influenced me the most, I feel like.

[Abbygale] ~ Then we have ABBYGALE!!!! Abbygale I know we don’t talk often but I known you longer than that twink loved above you. Since fourth grade going onto 8th grade, I remember how I specifically said we could bond over hating. Hating on Gacha stuff, but I forgot what. And in 6th grade I remember when I would show you songs I really liked during math class. I think one time it was a rainy day and during lunch I showed you The 90’s Decision and now whenever I hear that song I think of sitting on the desk, watching you listen to it on that rainy day and… it does feel nice, actually. You were over at my 13th birthday along with Gianna and Zhaeli and the stuff with the 3DSs was fun. And I liked running around the mall with all of you guys. Abbygale, even if we don’t really talk often anymore I’M THANKFUL FOR YOU TOO OKAY!!!! I TOLD YOU THAT ALREADY FOR THANKSGIVING BUT LET IT BE IMMORTALIZED HERE ON MY SITEWEB RAAAGGHHHHSHHSHSHD

[Zhaeli] ~ To Janae— Zhaeli— I’ve known you for just as long, if memory serves correctly, but damn… I kind of have less to remember. You were really quiet but you were also really cool too. We would draw together sometimes, along with Abbygale, Mila, and I’m pretty sure Leona when she was still around. I remember when we looked up Klee into the school laptops in what, 5th grade? We found that one book, I think, by someone named Paul Klee and that was really silly. I also remember that whole Walmart Klee thing you had and you made a Roblox game about it, right? And when we were making our own countries, we linked our countries together via our docks/airports and that was really silly. I still have the poster. Scarlet 9land is a stupid-ass name but whatever. I also remember your birthday party!! That arcade was pretty cool methinks and I remember getting you a Minecraft birthday bag???? And I SPECIFICALLY remember Mario Kart. You reading this Gianna? Remember when I mopped the SHIT out of the floor with you that time? Yeah. If I ever lost against you that isn’t me anymore. Anyways— Nowadays I don’t really see you as often anymore, but I hope you’re doing well, okay?

[Mila] ~ To Mila— dude, I have even LESS to think about when it comes to you. Since I feel like your parents are a little protective, no? I feel like I hang around you less and it’s a little linked to that. We barely talk after school and during school I usually don’t have anything to say in general so… yeah. I remember being to your birthday party and eating all the damn blueberries and you told me— that’s the only way your parents know I exist? Because I was the girl eating all the grapes? Lol???? Mila I wish we could talk more cause you’re a genuinely cool person but yeah…

[Luis] ~ To Luis— you’re pretty chill actually. I remember absolutely hating your guts because you’d steal my food sometimes and you ended up with Gianna so I got kinda jealous when you “took my best friend away from me” um… yeah… BUT NOW i realize you’re just a chill guy you know. A real cool dude. We don’t talk often, that I’m sorry for. But when we did I did find myself having something of a good time— if it weren’t for the awkward silent at some points. I feel like I don’t get along well with guys in general cause they’re… guys, and men are intimidating to me. SORRY LOL but REALLY YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST DOWN-TO-EARTH GUYS IVE MET THIS HELLHOLE OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL. Thanks for that. Thanks for being a friend teehee and also I don’t… I don’t like you in that way!!! I just yap about you more so than occasionally since you’re like one of the friends I hold more near and dear to my mind.

[Maddison] ~ To Maddison— hi Nicole from class of 09 if she was blonde instead of black-haired!!! Like I know we don’t talk often but as of late we’ve been talking more. You’re also pretty cool if it weren’t for the fact you’re um… 3-year age gap. Bro please get away from him he’s in high school BUT ANYWAYS that one time we talked during lunch was a nice change of pace you know. Not much to say but I think we should talk more teehee

[Scarlett G] ~ To Scarlett G— I remember when for a while I thought you were one of Gianna's better friends from middle school, and then I went from that to hating your guts, to blocking you on TikTok and now I like, kinda forgot why I did that LOL,, youre aight to be reals but againWE DONT TALK AS MUCH so im sorrryyyyyyyyyy,,,, I remember in 7th grade when I would try to slap your energy drinks outta your hand because they weren't good for you and you just typically had them at school all the damn time LOL and then your little addiction to root beer,,, I'll be honest I don't know you as well but I wish I could X)

[Elijah S] ~ To Elijah S— REST IN PEACE MR. THREE HOURS AHEAD AAAGHHSHDHDHSH I hope you’re doing well because genuinely I don’t think you are. We all miss you Elijah. You were so silly and goofy and I decorated that Polaroid picture I have of you and captioned it “BAZINGA!” Cause Gianna told me to. Elijah you’re something else I swear. You’re funny but also odd in the best way possible. I don’t KNOW how to explain it but damn. Even if it seemed like I hated your guts, I guess in some way that’s how I showed my appreciation even if that sounds so… fucked up. School’s a little more dull without you and it’s agreed with by everyone that we WANT YOUR ASS BACK KN CALI!!! COME BACK TO US SAXOPHONE PLAYER ELIJAH PLEASE WAAAHHHHHHH!!!:!; I remember when I initially met you in 4th grade— I’ll admit I don’t remember much back then but you, me, and Autumn… THE SQUA🅱️???? THAT WAS THE PEAK OF 4TH GRADE DAWG. The way we would walk around the track together.. sigh…… even in 4th grade you were one of school’s highlights… AND EVEN NOW!!! I remember when I was still with that son of a bitch Sebastian i would vent to you sometimes. It made me feel better, the best I could during that time when my self-esteem was 6-feet under because of that bitch. You’re really a good friend, man.

[Natalie] ~ To Natalie, for being someone who so easily speaks the same language as me. We’re both silly little artists who like to draw and yap about our favorite games and fandoms— remember when I found out about Monster x Mediator and I yapped about it to you? Then you played it and got obsessed with it and then we made an OC for it? Rest in peace Wite-Out 😭😭😭 OKAY BUT ANYWAYS I appreciated it when you were there in 7th grade PE cause it made pairing up with someone so much easier— we were like, two shy-ish people so that really… it really helped us both. And I like how the 7th grade PE teacher placed us together— that was so damn awesome of him right? And in 8th grade you’re there in my math and I like to walk out of class with you. You’re quiet and sometimes hard to hear, but when I’m hanging around you shit’s fucking swell. Thank you Natalie!!!!!

[Sofia, Sophia, Myron] ~ To Sofia and Sophia and Myron— you’re all like a trio I subconsciously think of when I think of either of you. Sofia, you’re a damn oddball but shit, that’s why you’re so fun to be around. Same goes for Sophia— and thanks for letting me hang around you guys and your friend group when I didn’t have anyone else to hang out with. As for Myron, I sat next to you in 7th grade Accelerated English, right? And I thought you were cool— still are. Why are all your friends hentai game addicts though. Stop exposing me as a soap lo

[Leona] ~ To Leona— so Abbygale says you’re here in our middle school, and I… didn’t know that, actually. Nice surprise. I knew you since fourth grade— I’m still remembering when we met in real life and I didn’t even know you were at the park because I didn’t know what you looked like, since I didn’t even pay attention to virtual school. I remember we’d call sometimes and we’d draw— you drew really good back then and I think you still do. I also remember when in somewhere around 5th grade, we would just talk about Deltarune or Undertale often- when I was mad into Rhythm Heaven too, and like... even if they were dark-ass times when I had Kris Dreemurr on the imaginary list of fictional characters I liked... I still look back on those times fondly, as fondly as the mess of drawings left in that one sketchbook. We don’t talk often, last time we talked I’m pretty sure was either early this year or early last year. But I get that you’re busy and all, you know? A part of me’s still kind of scared for when I have to meet you but excited all the same. See you one day!

["Arioni(?)"] ~ To Arioni…? EEEEH I CANT SPELL YOUR NAME it’s quite the unique one, you know. But well, dude hop off zuko’s ass dude!!!!! I didn’t really talk to you much but I remember when we watched Gacha videos with Natalia and when you… uh hopped on omegle and we both got hit on by horny men um. Um. What. Anyways. I appreciate it when you stop by and say hi when you see me, you know? I’m gratefulfor that dude. Also I tried adding you on discord but it didn’t work please give me your tag again dudePLEASE


Now to all the internet friends I’ve had!! I don’t like to talk online usually since it… I like to do my own thing. But when I do usually I find myself having fun.

[Tamrika] ~ FIRSTLY OBVIOUSLY FUCKIN TAMRIKA okay I had that whole message for you in response to the one I had on my home page when I used to have my username as Axel but like LET ME MAKE A NEW ONE WOOOOOO!!!!!! Okay so you were an idol of some sorts for a good while, I was around 9 or 10 when I found you on Popjam rite and like I was immediate STARSTRUCK by your art like holySHIT you were something of an inspiration for some time and I REALLYYYYY REALLY REALLY wanted to be your friend. So then I messaged you on discord one night and that’s where shit really happened LOL umm nowadays when I DM you on discord it’s all like just one random image and sometimes I try too hard to seem cool right IM SORRY dude im just like that with people I see as extremely extremely cool. Remember when I used to record gameplay and post the raw footage to YouTube? I still.. like.. have that one videoTHE “fefnir my ass” shit IT STILL GETS ME EVERY FUCKING TIME DAWG IDK??? And then. The factory level and. When I got genuinely pissed off at Gunvolt 3 when I first played. GUNS’S MEGA MAN VIDEO ERA WAS GENUINELY WHERE WE PEAKED AND WE WILL NEVER HIT THAT PEAK EVER AGAIN. Nowadays we don’t really talk much right. I forgot if i said that already to be honest I’ve freehanded literally everything here. But when we do,, dude,,, why are you so effortlessly humorous. AND THEN NOTONLY THAT BUT THE SITE SHIT IS WHAT REALLY HAD ME GIDDY RECENTLY. All that begging for you to update your neocities and then you moving to nekoweb and then me dumping resources all over youAND THEN YOU LETTING ME CLEAN YOUR SITE CODE LIKE THAT’S THE BEST IVE EVER FELT SO FAR YK YK???? I love helping people when it comes to english and html and css so THANK YOU FOR THAT DAWG

[Vinicius] ~ THEN we got VINICIUS MY HOMIE VINICIUS!!! Honestly half of why I made this page today (or at least wrote all the content for it today) was because of YOU telling your followers to go check MY account out because my art was GOOD. As always, I felt in-debt to you so this is also my thank you to you, for that! Vinicius you’re FUCKING AWESOME. You are what made me come back to Twitter cause you were just THAT COOL. I remember how we would all mess around on Twitter. Me, you, cockta_willy… it was always so fun. And those times we talked— well, it was only twice honestly… but I still had fun doing it! Which isn’t really that common right? Since I don’t usually like to talk to anyone online unless they approach me first? That first time on discord when I was gonna go on my plane back home was nice. Short and sweet— got a neat screenshot out of it. And on Twitter— it sure was longer than last time but cut short because I had to do chores. But fun nonetheless!! That kind of conversation is one I would have with like, a really good online friend or a favorite real-life friend that can actually manage to have a solid conversation with. And a solid conversation we had. Obviously we don’t talk much, I’m abstaining from Twitter because I genuinely hate it there sometimes. But for the time I was there, thanks for making it so much more better!!! Thanks for supporting me and my art stuff and being a generally good friend Vinicius. Keep being yourself and absolutely OWNING it when it comes to being yourself.

[ModelZS/Sayuri] ~ To ModelZS, or Sayuri… I’ll be honest, I never felt comfortable enough to call you the other name, so I’ll stick to ModelZS— Sayuri felt too personal and I didn’t feel friendly enough with you to call you that. We met in the Reploid REVO server (damn his soul to eternal punishment in hell) and i REALLY REALLY LIKED YOUR ART. Not only that but DAMN your concepts and designs genuinely EAT you were GRILLING DUDE. But outside of art I didn’t really talk to you as much. There was that one day where we talked a long while and then after that it was nothing but short micro talks. Honestly I feel like this was a situation where I tried too hard to seem cool so I’m sorry for that X(

[Mori, DOOLLIE] ~ To Mori and DOOLLIE— HIIII GUYS!!!!!! I know we don’t talk often— it has to be the fact I don’t like to talk to people online often, but also because of the timezone differences and the language barrier. I’m sorry for making you feel negatively, Mori. I don’t mean to hurt the ones I like so much. I was pretty inconsiderate back then, I feel like. So I know I say it too often, but I’m sorry. I still think of you and your sister often— I talk to your sister on occasion but not too often, because to tell you the truth I’m a little too scared to approach you. So, again— sorry… (I’m saying it too much— my friends say I say sorry too much in general, so it’s habit? Sorry…) As for DOOLLIE, I think you you’re a damn good sister. Great even. Keep being a good sister to Mori!!! Mori, you defined a whole-ass season for me, my favorite one too— SUMMER!!! Hanging around my room listening to IOSYS, or playing Mega Man games but more importantly, going on spacehey and looking at your bulletins and blog posts!!!!! Sometimes I wish for those simpler times, because back then life wasn’t so complicated in my opinion. I still got out more, objectively I was happier than compared to now, and you were there. It was awesome. It’s nostalgic.

[Train #4] ~ To Train#4– I barely talked to you but I thought your art was cool too! I admire the way it’s all done on paper, with crayons too no less. Respect from the paper bit, even MORE respect for it being in CRAYON of all things. I remember when we talked when the REVO server got killed off, but after that we didn’t talk much, no?

[Greenman] ~ And also, same case for Greenman. I remember you’d talk to me sometimes in the REVO server too. After that went down I added you and then ah… we talked once when I was grounded and never again. But you still linger in my mind. And my DM list lol HOPE YOURE BOTH DOING GOOD OKAY?!! ^_^

["Nekoweb User Starsabove"] ~ And I think it’s safe to say I can include you here cause I feel like after that entire conversation we had that one time we are friends, right? I haven’t known you for long but thanks for being JUST AS COOL TO ME AS HOW COOL I SEEM TO YOU NEKOWEB USER STARSABOVE X) see it takes me a while to start using names that people have that seem more personal to them so aaah for now I’ll refer to you by usernames until I feel like I’m friends enough to call you by the other ones lol

["Nekoweb User Starredhalo"] ~ I also feel like I could include you in here since I see you as at least a friend you talk to on occasion. Not as much but sometimes... sometimes. I remember stumbling upon your site and at that moment I just like... I saw you as so damn cool, okay. Like the term someone my friend said, saying they had a "friend crush" on me- yeah that term sums up my feelings to you before we started talking semi-normally. Again I don't feel comfortable using the name you use for yourself yet since I feel like it's too personal... I'll warm up to it someday, surely!!! Your site was actually used as semi-inspiration for this page (the border mainly) sooo yeah!!!!!

[Extra/not friend]

[Sachya] ~ Last one— not exactly friend since we’re related by blood— but thank YOU Sachya for being my older sister. You’re awesome, cool, like too cool for me to even hang out with sometimes. And you’re so fucking pretty (I feel weird saying that because im the younger sister im so sorry),, I like it when you visit and I can’t wait for the next time you do!!!!!!


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