Greetings and salutations, welcome to the PuyoPuyo Webchain! This webring is for the Puyo Puyo fans of the net- whether you're a professional at the games or... if you're like me, who strictly plays Tetris on Puyo Puyo Tetris for 3DS, and even so you still suck. Point is- even if all you do is watch gameplay videos rather than playing, this webring, is again, for the Puyo Puyo fans of the net!!! This webring is also my first webring, so... please bear with me here.
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- First, of course be a fan of Puyo Puyo. I dont care if you're a causal player, or heck- if you just like the characters and watching people play. Just like the series.
- (Site does not need to be Puyo-centric!)
- Have a personal site, as in a site site. No website builders (strawpage/carrd), no SpaceHey, no SNS (twt??), really. A site where you can edit the HTML/CSS.
- (2024-12-3: going forward from here, please make sure your site isn't just a homepage and a landing, and at least have a page for content pleaaassseeee!! I'll check up on your site and add you once you have more on there teehee)
- Make sure your site is SFW, or if it's not then at least have a warning!! im literally a minor and so are a good chunk of people on the net so please have that warning.
- Make sure your widget is on your site and easy to find. They call it a webring because every site in it is linked. If there's no widget to connect one site to the other, that link is broken.
- (If NSFW, have your widget on the same page as the warning!)
- (If I can't find your widget, I'll DM you about it, but pleasepleaseplease don't get scared like I do when I'm DM'd I dont mean harm)
- (I'd suggest to add the widget before signing up!)
- I cannot stress this enough, DON'T BE HATEFUL. Keep our board clear of any garbage! I won't let you in if you're racist sexist homophobic transphobicIF IT'LL GET YOU CANCELLED I DONT WANT IT????
Okay, now what?
Let's go to the widget page first. Or if you want to sign-up first, lets go here, I suppose...!