Which Gunvolt Main Character are YOU like most?

I struggled real hard with it, but here it is: SCYTHE.WAV'S FIRST QUIZ! I went through a few tutorials but eventually settled on the archived version of this style of quiz found on Spacefem.

Anywho, take the quiz and via code I'll assign you a Gunvolt main character yay!! You'll even get a little image to take as a souvenir (if you want)!

PS: if any mischaracterization pisses you off, contact me NICELY and we can work it out.
tsukuyomi [dot] network [at] gmail [dot] com

"Okay, I know it’s basic, but choose a color."

"Now pick a season for me."

"If you had to pick a food type, you’d say:"
Give me something sweet.
I'm thinking... something expensive. On me, of course!
I don’t mind, really.
Screw it. Give me coffee, make it black.

"If your friends had to describe yourself, they’d say you’re…"
Cold and almost at times emotionless, but seems to care for who’s close to you.
Pretty energetic! A little bit of a jokester but can handle being serious when the time to be comes.
Always cool and level-headed— maybe even confidently smug mostly, but you’ve got a good head on your shoulders.
Serious and almost unapproachable, but really you’re all soft-spoken and caring on the inside.

"In your free time, typically you’re…"
Tinkering with gadgets and doodads and the likes.
Going for walks or basking in the warmth of sunlight
Playing games with friends… or messing with them.
Probably trying to find something to do in said free time. You don’t really have a hobby to fill that time in.

"You’ve gotten yourself into a fight— how are you handling it?"
By giving it all that I've got! On the first attack.
By analyzing the opponent before really getting into it.
I’ll run right in and take them down, just like that!
I’ll keep my distance to make sure I’ll suffer the least damage here.

"One major dream you have for life is:"
Power, really.
Wanting all those problems in your life as good as gone.
If we would just stop hating each-other for things we can’t help!
Winning at, probably! But you'd want a challenge that'll really make you try.

(if i didnt mess it up, your results are in the iframe) // to TOP?